• You want to have a great relationship with your horse, but don't know where to start...
  • You've spent countless hours trying to build trust and understanding with your horse, and you're sick of the frustration of not understanding their behavior & not knowing how to support them...
  • Your skillset is quite good, and you’re a proficient rider, but it feels like something is missing between you and your horse…
  • You’re struggling to stay motivated with tackling your horses behavior “issues,” and you’re not enjoying your sessions or rides…
  • You're finding decent information, but have nowhere to turn for support when you have a question specific to your horsemanship journey...

If these things resonate, then you already know what a minefield it can be trying to find the right answers for you and your horse.

That is what inspired the creation of

The Savvy Equestrian!

I was fed up with hearing stories about well-intended horse lovers, just like you, feeling stuck in their pursuit of True Horsemanship, thanks to:

  • Feeling frustrated with their horse’s behavior and feeling like a failure for not being able to support them.
  • Everyday struggles like; trailer loading, standing tied, head or ear shyness, trouble with standing for mounting, not wanting to be caught, bad for the vet or farrier, barn, buddy, or gate sourness.
  • Further struggles such as; being “pushy” or crowding them on the ground, running through or ignoring their aids while riding, bolting, bucking, refusing to go forward, won’t slow down, kicking, biting, rearing, spooking.
  • Not having real one on one access to a professional when they need it the most.
  • No local instructors who truly “get” their horse.

Thankfully, all of that is behind you…

Access a wealth of knowledge through comprehensive video modules on topics ranging from basic handling to advanced riding techniques, tailored to foster your growth in horsemanship.

Gain instant access to full, uncut sessions with a myriad of Development horses. From untouched Mustangs, to horses with behavioral problems, to skilled horses in need of refinement.

Engage with weekly live sessions featuring uncut demonstrations and Q&A segments on a variety of topics, enhancing your knowledge and skills in real-time.

Receive personalized feedback and guidance through weekly one-on-one video coaching sessions, tailored to your unique horsemanship journey.

Watch real-life clinic sessions, offering practical applications of horsemanship principles, tips, and techniques to improve your skills and understanding.

Join weekly group Zoom meetings focusing on specific concepts, offering a platform for in-depth discussion, learning, and community support.

"Then, the online membership came out and our progress kept blossoming! From an unhandled 4yr old that was scared to be haltered… he now wears his saddle pad happily, is caught in seconds, you can climb under his body and hug his butt… he’s a brand new horse! The membership didn’t just change Laddie, but also my others, and it changed me as well. I can handle all of my horses, and my friends horses, with confidence… and they all trust me! I know she is always available to help and guide anything I need help with and that is worth everything, knowing I’m not just blindly hoping for the best. Also, because of your videos we got our old gelding Jeffrey to be so soft on the ground now! He used to be selective when he wanted to be soft, and now he’s hugging my husband whenever he can, even while he’s in a walking boot that Jeffrey used to fear!”

Katie B. - Basic Membership

"Despite the distance, Midland and I have felt safe at all times; we have moved forward as partners and we continue to grow and learn everyday thanks to Ashley’s professionalism. She has always been there for us, from the simplest question and all the amazing content, The Savvy Equestrian Membership has been priceless. For Midland and I, Ashley has been a TRUE MENTOR."

Andrea from Ecuador - Premium Membership

“Before diving into the membership, Whiskey would only allow me to touch her withers, for at least a month, and at an arms length. If I got closer she’d pin her ears and run off. I didn’t ride her for a few months due to her lack of trust, and she showed signs of pain so I wanted to address that first. During that waiting period we worked on trust and your Basics in Hand Course. In the beginning she could only do things that required steady pressure, now we have been able to progress to rhythmic pressure. I’ve ridden her three times and she is very leg sensitive, but she is getting more confident. I’m currently taking a break from riding her, like you suggested, so we can really focus on learning how to lunge and her standing like a partner. I can now hug her neck, and touch her entire body without her becoming anxious. I’d say that your reminder of focusing on things being just 1-percent better has made sessions more enjoyable and less stressful.”

Rachael R. - Basic Membership

"I have been loving this membership! I ride and work with the ranch horses, and mostly alone, so to have this network where I can go and ask questions, and get guidance, has reignited my drive to push myself again! I feel sometimes the end goals get more ahead of the process in my own mind some days, so to be able step back and get instruction again has been so wonderful!"

Sarah R. - Savvy Mentorship

"I am freaking loving this membership! I feel like this membership keeps me motivated and consistent to work with my horse. I also love how much I’m learning, including new exercises. I’ve trained a few horses, but I would have my trainer either tell me what to do, or I would copy other trainers, and no one ever told me why. I love how you always explain why.. how the horse works and thinks.. and how I don’t have to use "harsh" training. I also love how no matter what the question, you always answer, even if it's something not part of your courses or livestream, I could go on and on about this..."

Mirjam J. - Premium Membership

"I’m so thankful for Ashley, and all the advice and skills she shares, to help me become a strong horsewoman, to better understand and communicate with my mares, and also to be the partner they need me to be for them... both in their own ways."

Taylor - Founding Member

"Ashley has helped me tremendously in gaining confidence in working with and riding my three year old filly! I can't wait to see what we can achieve with her guidance. She truly has the heart of a teacher!"

Shelien C. - Long-Time Student

Ashley Dudas is a student of The Horse. Specializing in Equine Behavior and Psychology, with a background in Natural Horsemanship, as well as young horse training and development.

Ashley started her career with horses in the English Performance World, when she met a horse who demanded she change her approach entirely. At first she thought the horse was the problem…as it turns out, the horse that changed her life was just terrified of the world, and completely misunderstood. How she was being “trained” was the problem… in reality, she wasn’t being trained at all. Once Ashley’s eyes were opened to the world of Horsemanship as an Art Form, the relationship with her first Super Horse was saved.

Ashley is dedicated to helping horses and the humans who love them reach their full potential. Her passion is to help individuals develop the habits and skills they need to effectively communicate and understand their equine partners and achieve the level of horsemanship and partnership they are dreaming of! Whether you are a beginner, a competitor looking for an edge, or someone who needs support with developing your green horse… Ashley will offer assistance all along your path of achieving you and your horses goals, no matter what they may be.

Ashley Dudas is a student of The Horse. Specializing in Equine Behavior and Psychology, with a background in Natural Horsemanship, as well as young horse training and development.

Ashley started her career with horses in the English Performance World, when she met a horse who demanded she change her approach entirely. At first she thought the horse was the problem…as it turns out, the horse that changed her life was just terrified of the world, and completely misunderstood. How she was being “trained” was the problem… in reality, she wasn’t being trained at all. Once Ashley’s eyes were opened to the world of Horsemanship as an Art Form, the relationship with her first Super Horse was saved.

Ashley is dedicated to helping horses and the humans who love them reach their full potential. Her passion is to help individuals develop the habits and skills they need to effectively communicate and understand their equine partners and achieve the level of horsemanship and partnership they are dreaming of! Whether you are a beginner, a competitor looking for an edge, or someone who needs support with developing your green horse… Ashley will offer assistance all along your path of achieving you and your horses goals, no matter what they may be.

Basic Membership

Gain instant access to our Courses, Clinic Demonstrations, Horse Development Sessions, Quick Wins, a Monthly Member Q&A Call, as well as a supportive Community Forum. This membership is a wonderful option for the self-led learners!

Premium Membership

In addition to the benefits of the Basic Membership, this membership tier also gives you instant access to our WEEKLY LIVESTREAM, as well as the ever-growing ARCHIVE of these events. Try the Premium Membership for 7-Days, free of charge!

Savvy Mentorship

The highest-tier offer, built for those who go far beyond “Dedicated and Obsessed.” In addition to ALL the benefits of the Basic and Premium Memberships, the Savvy Membership gives you direct access to Ashley, with Weekly Private Video Coaching(or substitute for a Zoom Call), private Savvy Voxer Chat, as well as within a Weekly Savvy Mastermind Zoom Call.

GROUP Membership Options

Our Group Membership options offer the same benefits as the Basic and Premium Memberships, respectively, only with a discount for groups of up to 30 Students. Perfect for riding schools, 4H/FFA groups, horse rescues, etc. (Larger groups available upon request)

Private Video Coaching

Standalone, Single-Session Private Video Coaching. Designed for those in need of periodic assistance, those who don’t like recurring memberships, or current members who need a little bit of specialized assistance.


How active are things inside of the membership?

Our content libraries are continuously expanding, ensuring you always have fresh, innovative resources at your fingertips. From the latest Courses and Clinic Demonstrations to new Horse Development sessions and Quick Wins, as well as the Monthly Q&A Call, we’re constantly adding content to keep you inspired, effective, and progressive with your horses. For Premium Membersthe Weekly Livestream offers up to 1-1/2 Hours of fresh Horsemanship content every single week, in addition to the expanding content of the Basic Membership. The Savvy Mentorship takes this to a completely different level, offering the opportunity to get direct coaching for your specific horsemanship needs every week, as well as join a group of like minded horsemen in the Savvy Mastermind.

What if I have questions about the instruction?

Every equestrian has unique challenges and questions, and we’re here to answer them. In our Monthly Q&A sessions, YOUR questions take center stage. This is your opportunity to get personalized advice from a horsemanship professional. As well, the Community Forum is always open for you to post your questions and receive actionable advice. It’s not just about providing answers; it’s about offering solutions that work for you and your horse. In addition, with the Weekly Livestreams included in the Premium Membership, you are able to ask questions in the live chat about the current demonstration, or in the Community Forum about any of the growing number of Livestream Archives. With The Savvy Equestrian, you’re never alone in your learning.

Is the membership simply a library of content?

While the content is a big portion of what we do here at The Savvy Equestrian, the intention is to make this platform far more than just a membership for content; it’s meant to be an invigorating community. Here, you’ll find a welcoming space filled with horse lovers who share your passion and dedication. Whether you’re seeking advice, inspiration, or simply a place to share your horsemanship stories, our Community Forum is the perfect place to connect. Together, we’re building a world where every interaction with our horses is informed, intentional, and filled with understanding.

Does it matter which Membership I START with?

Not at all! At The Savvy Equestrian, we understand that your needs and goals may evolve over time. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to adjust your membership level to match your current horsemanship. Whether you’re looking to access more features or adjust your investment, you can Upgrade all the way to a Savvy Mentorship or Downgrade to a Basic Membership at any time directly from your Member Dashboard. This flexibility ensures that your experience with us can grow and change as you do, always providing the right level of support and resources you need.

Will my Membership price ever increase?

No, absolutely not. Whatever pricepoint you start your Membership with is the price you keep for the life of your Membership. We will be increasing prices periodically, as the value inside the membership continues to increase. But, as long as you don’t cancel, your price will always remain the same. Though, changes in membership level(Basic, Premium, Savvy) will default to current pricing at the time of upgrade or downgrade.

Also, we recognize that life can be unpredictable, and sometimes, taking a break is necessary. To accommodate these circumstances, we offer the option to Pause Your Membership for up to 6-months, with extensions available on request. During this pause period, we’ll safeguard your current pricing, so when you’re ready to return, your membership will resume just as you left it. This feature is designed to give you peace of mind, knowing that you can take the time you need without losing the value of your investment in your horsemanship education.

Do I have to make any long-term commitments?

No. You are free to cancel your membership at any time, right from your Dashboard. Access to membership content or features related to your membership level will remain available for you until the end of that payment term.

Our commitment to your satisfaction goes beyond providing high-quality content and community. We believe that part of respecting our members includes making it straightforward for you to leave if you decide that our membership is no longer the right fit. To reiterate, you can cancel your membership at any time directly from your Member Dashboard, with no hoops to jump through. We’ve always disliked products that make it hard to unsubscribe, and we’ve ensured our process is as easy and hassle-free as possible. Your freedom to choose what’s best for you is a priority for us at The Savvy Equestrian.

What equipment will I need?

You don’t NEED any particular equipment to start. Of course, we do recommend a horse! But even that isn’t a requirement… we currently have members that do not have a horse, but are absorbing knowledge for when their life allows for it again, or for the first time!

There are certain tools that we highly recommend within our curriculum, with guidance on why they are recommended. But, nothing is NEEDED to begin improving your horsemanship with us.

Do I have to attend any classes directly, or on a schedule?

For the most part, no. The content available, at any membership level, is freely available for you to view and study at your own pace. We do have weekly and monthly live events in the form of the Weekly Livestream and Monthly All-Member Q&A Call, and it’s recommended to attend them live for the Q&A Sessions, but all events are archived, available for viewing whenever you please, and any questions you may have about any piece of content can be posed in the Community Forum. The Savvy Mentorship includes Weekly One-on-One Video Coaching, where you send your own footage of your horsemanship in every week, and receive a custom response. You can also subsitute your coaching for a Private Coaching Call, for those weeks where filming just isn’t possible. Also included at the Savvy level is the Savvy Mastermind, a weekly group meeting held over Zoom

What technology is required?

A computer, tablet, or phone… and an internet connection. That’s it!