During a Horsemanship Camp, a mentor of mine used to say, “Everybody feel pleased!” whenever a horse solved a problem. Remarkably, horses around the one being praised would react positively, demonstrating how they pick up on group energy.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, have you ever seen an emotional horse seeming to get “picked on” or pushed away by more emotionally centered horses? This is because horses view such emotional behavior as a threat to the overall well-being of the herd. If there isn’t an obvious reason for these emotions, and there generally isn’t, the more level-headed horses will tend to not want that type of energy around. Although it’s not always the case, do consider what your emotional state is when approaching a horse that has a tendency to leave. You may find the horse is just doing what nature tells them to do, and what needs to be worked on is your own energy and intention.